The Top 10 Couples Whose Relationships Need A Theme Song for Valentine’s Day

alt10. Will & Jada: They are the “One-In-A-Million” power couple that make it work despite the odds, although rumors HAVE been circulating for years that they subscribe to the “You, Me and He” lifestyle to keep it spicy … eh, stranger things have happened.

My Song Dedication: … “Hollywood Swinging” by Kool & The Gang.

Because even for red-carpet A-listers sometimes “It Takes Two To Make a Thing Go Right” and sometimes three … four, five, six (still counting …) either way, more power to them!!!

9. Beyoncé &  Jay-Z: When these two juggernauts of the industry hooked up most thought Hova’ was just “Feinin’” for all that “Bootylicious” Bey was serving up rather than being actually “Crazy In Love.

My Song Dedication: … “The Boss” by Diana Ross. Between bets over who will actually credit the other while winning awards to not-so-subtle tell-a-tale songs on both their albums, Mr. and Mrs. Jigga seem too competitive to “Make it Last Forever,”            I wonder who will stay on top … of their game that is. *wink*

8. Reggie Bush & Kim Kardashian: You don’t have to look far to guess what ass-ets attracted this studly running back to his infamous celebutante fiancée. Love her or hate her, Kim offers “More Bounce To The Ounce” than a life-sized helium balloon (but I suspect one part of Kim is filled with the same substance).

My Song Dedication: …“Jungle Fever” by Stevie Wonder. Normally, I don’t care two bits about what color other folks fall in love with, but with the Kardashian sisters they appear to be on some kinda “BOGO” plan with black athletes (Ya’ know, marry this hoochie and get the second hoochie for free). It’s only a matter of time before the mom gets down if that Max-Headroom looking stepfather continues to botox his face into oblivion.

7. Carmelo Anthony & LaLa Vasquez: How many decades has it been since MTV-VH1 personality LaLa and her baller-for-life boyfriend have been engaged? Eons ago it seems, who remembers, cuz’ I dunno if I could wait that long. At least she’s one of those “Single Ladies” sitting in first class while she waits … sitting next to Kim Porter doubt.

My Song Dedication: “Young Hearts” sung by Candi Staton. I know she’s holding out to be “Wifey “but I personally think she’ll be checking in to the “Heartbreak Hotel” before it’s over. It doesn’t take going into a new millennium to say “This Ring Is For The Lover In You.”

6. Kenny Lattimore and Chanté Moore: Everyone loves a crooner and when these two real-life songbirds hooked up it seemed like “Endless love”… and that’s when the babies and the duets started, that’s also when the sales and concert dates stopped, alas. “Love don’t cost a thing,” but it may cost a career, ouch!

My Song Dedication: … “Bills, Bills, Bills” by Destiny’s Child. I’m sending this one out to both Kenny and Chanté as a final notice to get out the bedroom and into the studio.

5. Denzel and Pauletta … Although they are still the reigning golden Couple for the “Tan & Fabulous” over 40 set, fans and gossip mags alike sensed what was once “So Amazing” is now a “House Is Not A Home” due to rumored “Cleanup woman” Sanaa Lathan.

Tsk-tsk, too many single bruthas for that but the fans seem more endeared to him than ever, no surprise there. I’m hoping it was just an extended “Booty-Call.

My Song Dedication: … “It’s Cheaper To Keep Her” by Johnnie Taylor.

Denzel’s career may not be affected but I still think he needs to not “Spread Love” and just “Love The One You’re With.”

4. Mary J. Blige and Kendu Isaacs: We were ALL pulling for Mary to “Be Happy” and find some “Real Love” after years of listening and watching her pour her pain onto wax and album sales. So when the former Ms. Blige finally got hitched and claimed “No More Drama” in “My Life,” we were too proud of Mary.

My Song Dedication: … “Smack My B@tch Up!” By The Prodigy.

It-was-the-pimp-smack-heard around the world when Mary’s hubby forgot who brings home the bacon in that house and she reminded him by going straight “Boogie-Down” on that a–!  Siiiigh, some men can’t recognize “Good Love” when they see it but I suspect Mary will be just “Fine, Fine, Fine” in the end and of course, fans will have a new joint to bump to!

3. Ice-T and CoCo: To the “Pop-culture-un-savvy,” this couple’s names sound like an unlikely pair of beverages but to those who know “What’s The 411”; they’re a “Perfect Combination” made in Hollywood. It’s not a black thang, or a white thang… it’s a “Nuthin’ But a G’ Thang” Babe-aay!

My Song Dedication: … “Gangsta Lovin‘” by Eve and Alicia Keyes; throw in Stevie’s “Ebony & Ivory,” “Fake” by Alexander O’Neal and the theme music to “Girls Gone Wild” and we got ourselves a soundtrack!

2. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon: Who knew the “Emancipation of MiMi” would involve Mariah getting her cougar on and ‘Wildin’ Out’ with Lil’ Nicky.

Hey, if she started feeling “Emotions” and saw a “Vision of Love” in him who am I to hate?

You go girl … um, I mean woman!

My Song Dedication: …“Mrs. Robinson” By Simon & Garfunkel.

If you don’t know why, “Google” is just a mouse click away.

and the No. 1 Valentine’s Day theme song goes out to … ( drum roll please)

1. Barack & Michelle Obama: Aside from “Hail To The Chief” I can think of plenty of songs for our 44th president and his beautiful first lady: “No Ordinary Love,” “Solid As a Rock,” “He’s All The Man That I Need,” “Always and Forever” and the list continues …

My Song Dedication: I think Beyoncé sang it best on Jan. 20, 2009; “At Last” and it still plays “On And On” in my mind …

Enjoy your Valentine’s everyone: Be good and be safe … ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!  written & illustrated by lena hopkins-jackson

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