A Novel Approach to Sex Ed for Children

altI don’t remember ever being formally taught about sex education as a child.  My mother was too busy working — and probably didn’t know how — and, besides, the streets and the media had fed me some version of the birds and bees well before the appropriate age to learn. There aren’t any published studies that I’m aware of that lay out the differences between how and when blacks and other races learn about sex, but, would teaching the not so subtle messages through a video game be a good approach?

Since video games have long been a dominate force in the lives of kids, a certain group of Canadian game makers, with good intentions, decided to try to educate on the perils of unprotected sex through this medium. The good characters are named to represent different attitudes about sex and the bad one is named to teach how infections and such occur.

With characters such as “Wonder Vag” and “Captain Condom,” Gawker and Comics Alliance play out a Canadian health unit’s “Adventures in Sex City,” which teaches kids about sexually transmitted diseases via a villain who ejects infected sperm for every wrong answer.

The villain’s name is “The Sperminator,” a penis-handed bad guy whose goal is to “infect everyone with his evil sperm.” To fight him, kids can choose abstinence-touting virgin Wonder Vag, sexually active Power Pap, the “half condom half man” Captain Condom, or Willy the Kid — a pint-sized type who “joined the Sex Squad to prove size doesn’t matter” and whose special power is “massive, rock hard strength.”

A bit much for young, impressionable minds? Leave a comment with your opinion. –gerald radford

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