Stace Rideway is a man of many trades; and at the tender age of two he found his passion for the arts.
“My father started the art business in 1977 and when I was old enough to learn the concepts I begin working with him in the third grade. Through this I found that I had a passion for art and fell in love with the fact that I could create something.”
Upon graduating from high school Rideway decided to go into the family business, where he helped his father manage the “Mural Mural on The Wall” art company. Rideway has worked on projects across the country, and for an array of clients, including Magic Johnson.
His love for painting and fashion lead to the creation of his clothing line “Oil Base Fashion.” “ I believe that people should last forever and what I mean by that is even after people pass away, they are still remembered, memories go on and your stories are told, and that’s the whole essence of “Oil Based Fashion.”
Through his art company Rideway has been able to volunteer services to the community. “We believe that if you give kids something to do other than homework, you might be able to spark passion in a kid, so I lend a hand whenever I can, as long as it’s for a good cause.” ~Christian Johnson
Stace Ridgeway is a man of many trades, and at the tender age of two he found his passion for the arts.
am a musician, recording artist and CEO of Fly Company Music Group, an
independent label that provides true music lovers with a unique,
refreshing and contagious sound and energy. Fly Co. recently released
Mix-Tape Volume 2 theFly20’s, kicked off its 50/50 Tour: 50 States/50
Dates and launched the Live Forever campaign to encourage everyone,
young and old, to follow their dreams and make them reality. I am
music, art and fashion,” Ridgeway vaunts.
Upon graduating from high school, Ridgeway decided to go into the family business, where he helped his father manage the Mural Mural on The Wall art company. The young genius has worked on projects across the country, and for an array of clients, including Magic Johnson. “My father started [an] art business in 1977 and when I was old
enough to learn the concepts I begin working with him [when I was] in
the third grade. Through this, I found that I had a passion for art and
fell in love with the fact that I could create something.”
His love for painting and fashion lead to the creation of his clothing line, Oil Based Fashion. “I believe that people should last forever. What I mean by that is even after people pass away, they are still remembered, memories go on and your stories are told, and that’s the whole essence of Oil Based Fashion. Ridgeway also lends his company’s support to the community and personally volunteers his time and services. “We believe that if you give kids something to do other than homework, you might be able to spark their passion. So I lend a hand whenever I can, as long as it’s for a good cause.” –christian johnson

am a musician, recording artist and CEO of Fly Company Music Group, an
independent label that provides true music lovers with a unique,
refreshing and contagious sound and energy. Fly Co. recently released
Mix-Tape Volume 2 theFly20’s, kicked off its 50/50 Tour: 50 States/50
Dates and launched the Live Forever campaign to encourage everyone,
young and old, to follow their dreams and make them reality. I am
music, art and fashion,” Ridgeway vaunts.
Upon graduating from high school, Ridgeway decided to go into the family business, where he helped his father manage the Mural Mural on The Wall art company. The young genius has worked on projects across the country, and for an array of clients, including Magic Johnson. “My father started [an] art business in 1977 and when I was old
enough to learn the concepts I begin working with him [when I was] in
the third grade. Through this, I found that I had a passion for art and
fell in love with the fact that I could create something.”
His love for painting and fashion lead to the creation of his clothing line, Oil Based Fashion. “I believe that people should last forever. What I mean by that is even after people pass away, they are still remembered, memories go on and your stories are told, and that’s the whole essence of Oil Based Fashion. Ridgeway also lends his company’s support to the community and personally volunteers his time and services. “We believe that if you give kids something to do other than homework, you might be able to spark their passion. So I lend a hand whenever I can, as long as it’s for a good cause.” –christian johnson