On Monday, March 15, the popular actor and respected author Hill Harper, along with executives from Wells Fargo Foundation stopped by The Fishing School in Washington, D.C., to offer valuable advice to students attending the school. Harper spoke to approximately 100 students and their parents about what it takes to be successful in life and financial literacy. “An architect is responsible for creating a blueprint for constructing a building. It’s not enough to just have goals, you need a blueprint that details how you plan to reach your goals,” Harper stated.
The Fishing School is a safe haven for students attending school in the nation’s capital and most of the students are from underserved communities. The Fishing School provides tutoring, teaches life skills and exposes its young charges to cultural activities that they would otherwise not have access to.
In 2009 the Fishing School underwent major renovations, thanks to ABC’s “ Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation provided the school with $50,000 to maintain and expand it’s programs to address increased student needs. With the increased square footage from the renovations, The Fishing School will be able to serve 53 percent more students.
Afterwards, each student that attended the educational event received an autographed copy of Harper’s books. The male students received a copy of Letters to a Young Brother: Manifest Your Destiny and the female students received a copy of Letters to a Young Sister: Define Your Destiny. –al weems