Movie and television mogul Tyler Perry must’ve had a Madea moment yesterday when he bailed out on several Georgia state senators that were prepared to honor him.
Sens. Donzella James, Robert Brown, Vincent Fort, Nan Orrock and Gloria Butler prepared a resolution to honor Perry in the Senate chamber, citing his work in film, as well as his humanitarian work, but he apparently said, “I’m good …” and called before the opening bell to cancel.
Word on the Senate floor was that Perry wanted the honor to be low-key, which would be kind of hard, considering that the resolution to honor him was signed by a half-dozen senators and made public by the Senate press office.
But after an Associated Press story was picked up on radio Wednesday morning, the filmmaker called to cancel his appearance.
He would have been the first celebrity to be honored by the state of Georgia this year outside of our beloved celeb General Larry Platt. –gerald radford