Every 12 minutes, someone from across the United States dies from a lack of health insurance coverage, according to statistics published by the NAACP. They and a host of supporters across America’s socioeconomic spectrum urges the public to call their representatives today, at 202-224-3121, to encourage them to pass the bill.
The chairman of the Democratic caucus in the House says his party possesses the requisite 216 votes needed to pass President Barack Obama’s historic health care bill.
Speaking Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Connecticut Rep. John Larson said, in his words, “We have the votes now — as we speak,“ he says. House Democrats are predicting that a rare Sunday session will produce one of the most significant legislative triumphs in decades: passage of a bill to overhaul the nation’s health care system to provide coverage to millions of people.
Republicans, of course, vehemently oppose the passage of reformed healthcare.
The National Urban League urges Americans to not allow “Tea Party obstructionists thwart health care reform.” They said for supporters of President Obama’s health care bill to call the US Capitol at (202) 224-3121: “Tell the operator your zip code, and they will connect you to your representative. Do not assume that your Member of Congress is supporting the legislation! If they are, call them to thank them anyway! Let’s roll!” — terry shropshire