The American Humanist Association (AHA) wants Barack Obama to do away with the “National Day of Prayer” on May 6 and instead call it a “National Day of Reason.”
“National Day of Reason …” (crickets …)
A federal judge has gotten involved, at the behest of the group, and last week declared the traditionally observed day unconstitutional. He said it was an “inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function,” but Obama still intends to issue a proclamation observing it, because the case hasn’t yet finished moving through the appeals process.
The executive director of the AHA says, “The government should not be directing citizens to pray,” calling it “offensive” to atheists. The group set up the Day of Reason as a response, saying it “includes all Americans,” and celebrates an essential American value. But those who believe in the practice, which constitutes the majority of Americans, contend that the annual prayer day is indeed inclusive. “It’s inclusive of the vast majority of Americans who do believe in a Supreme Being,” said a senior Family Research Council fellow.
If you strip away the emotions and look just at the parameters of seperation of church and state, do the atheists have a point? –gerald radford