It is real fear that can be felt when discussing changing the mind-set of the African American community. Immediately, the conversation turns to “us versus them.” Who exactly those parties are marks the disillusion that starts the puppet master games that we are playing on each other. The barometer for success is not based on the consciouness of our actions, resulting in detrimental consequences, which only leads to more tragedy. The numbers speak to an entire generation disillusioned by the where their success is spoken, worn and faked. The educational lie has suggested that success can be had without it for African Americans, but this has never been the case.
Understanding the migration trends of new citizens from India and Asia who are the nation’s best intellectuals, would be beneficial to blacks. Pursuing advanced professional degrees in science, math, and technology, as they do, leads to the highest paying jobs. Black leaders demanding jobs for a people with the wrong skill set will leave parents with grown, disillusioned children living at home and a race of people seen as lazy. We celebrate and psychologically escape in the most economically destructive ways. Tricksters and community pimps take full advantage of a race with low esteem by providing places to get intoxicated, spend heavily and get no return on the investment.
The black community must find our heritage of being owners of our own dreams. Education must find its way into hip-hop music. If that occurs, the less conscientious hip-hop artists of today will finally be exposed as providers of disillusionment. Being the loudest message to young people, the “art” has undermined the aspirations of two hip-hop generations, if there’s no sharing of real employment. It constantly suggests consumption of products made by manufactures who don’t desire our presence in the store, but more importantly we can’t identify any investment they’ve made in our community. A party does not represent investment in a community … it must not be based on brands, manufacturers, or black leaders who can’t commit to having cause marketing programs that up lift our community. We must research our industry employment categories. Getting the highest level of education must be the desire of every child and parent so the example resonates in the home. We must promote obtaining higher education and profession designation in every black household.
Stop yelling at the young generation about what they do not get when you have not built anything for them. What institutions for higher learning have been built by the last generation of Americans in the 50s and 60s? Why is the younger generation left out of the discussion? Our community must bond to our own collective benefit. We must not create illusions of economic progress, instead we must produce jobs and education forums and training that would make our forefathers and mothers proud. Unfortunately, the leaders of our community should be community principles and not individuals who need their jobs or entertainers who say catchy lyrics that sound great but produce ignorant realties.
Principles of leadership will guide us to our collective greatness, so “I will not kill my brother or sister” would be on our agenda. It will mandate that we have profound and productive respect for ourselves. Economic principles that generate revenue is a must. Committing to do business with our community and to hire and start businesses is critical. Reduce debt and save more. Education principles to acquire and support knowledge and skills that allow me and my family to be desired for our intellectual skills and trade skills should be of top priority. Avoiding occupations that will be eliminated by technology and outsourcing is of the utmost importance.
What are you waiting for? Say something back and share your collective principles with me. –munson steed