What prompted the formation of the NBLCA?
Back in the mid ’80s there were a number of blacks dying from symptoms that couldn’t be diagnosed. After seeing a pattern, a group of leaders decided something need to be done, so they came together. There needed to be a focus on this new issue that no one fully understood. That is what led to the establishment of the National Black Leadership Commission on Aids.
What compelled you to get involved?
When I was approached about this position back in 2007, I was astounded and amazed by the impact that HIV/AIDS had in the black community. I had been in elected office for 16 years allocating money to various programs; I thought that this was a good time for me to become involved with this organization, especially [because I know] how to move things in government. I also know how to get things done through policy development.
would have an enormous impact because it would direct resources to
those areas of greatest need. It calls for more research to be done
that focuses primarily on African Americans, behavior[al] issues, and other
factors that may help us better understand why we’ve seen such an
increase in [HIV/AIDS] numbers primarily in the black community.
What kind of changes do you hope to see through NBLCA’s efforts?
More engagement among leaders across the board, not only … clergy but policy makers, elected officials, business communities, people living with AIDS and service providers. I want to see attention given to … communities [in the] greatest need, and we need to increase awareness.