Given the pressing economic plight of the U.S. economy and the exorbitant rates of unemployment, foreclosures and bank failures, the Obama administration and the members of Congress have managed to put together a very large sum of money to assist with improving the current state of some citizens, however, not in the U.S. Just after the president stated the importance of the United States assisting Israel, he has agreed to an additional $205 million being given to the small nation state to help in the development of its “Iron Dome” missile defense system. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the measure by a margin of 410 to 4.
Currently, our government already provides Israel with approximately $3 billion annually in military aid. The reasoning purported by many on Capitol Hill and in the current administration is that it’s based on the perceived threat that a nuclear empowered Iran places on Israel’s security. This is despite the fact that our own national security specialist has documented that Iran poses no such threat.
It is obvious that the talking heads inside the Beltway have the interest of foreign nations on their minds more so than the citizenry of the United States. Such funding could go a long way within our own borders if funneled to education, scientific research at the university level, and yes, even paying down our national debt; not to mention staving off the high rates of foreclosure plaguing communities across the nation.
In theory, the Iron Dome system will be designed to protect Israel from the sparse rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip, and will, according to many experts, have limited if any preventive effect on attacks from countries located as far away as Iran.
This $205 million breaks down to about $50,000 per rocket shot down — rockets that are valued at less than $500 each. House members that voted against this bill include John Conyers, D-Mich.; Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio; and Ron Paul, R-Texas. –torrance stephens, ph.d.
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