The vultures … er, Republicans continue to circle, looking for any weakness to exploit in the Obama presidency. Their latest attempt to invalidate Obama in the eyes of the American people comes as a result of the president’s approach to the BP oil spill crisis. While Obama has continued to rely on his trademark “cool in the midst of the storm” demeanor to allay the concerns of the nation, his detractors have pointed to this calm response as further evidence to support their claims that we elected a dispassionate president.
Agree or not with his approach, Obama has quietly plugged away at the BP crisis with a workmanlike resolve. But according to one person, the public needs to temper their expectations of Obama as it pertains to this crisis. In a recent interview with rolling out, comedian Cedric the Entertainer shared his belief that the president isn’t qualified to handle this crisis, so the public needs to lay off.
“I just think these people need to leave Obama alone,” Cedric shared. “How do they expect him to fix the oil crisis, when the man has never worked at a gas station? I mean, he’s probably been to a gas station and bought a pack of Newports and some lottery tickets, but I really don’t think he’s qualified to know how to clean up some oil.”
Of course, the comedian’s comments were spoken in jest, but it brings to light a salient point. We expect our presidents to be superheroes, able to sweep in and instantly solve all of our problems. So when things aren’t handled as swiftly as we would like — whether it be the oil crisis or fixing the economy — one would begin to wonder if we’re setting the bar too high for a man who’s just as flawed as the people who consistently tear him down. It’s definite food for thought … chew on it for a while, and let me know what you think. –dewayne rogers