There seems to been a startling sea change or paradigm shift in the definition of what makes a man a man. I maybe dating myself, but there were two things that men who had respect for family and self never did. The first was never disrespect women and the latter was never refer to himself as pretty.
Back in the day, calling someone a pretty boy was fighting words for it equated to one taking care of themselves as a woman would. This is all I can take from the lyrics of self-proclaimed metrosexual Soulja Boy Tell’em. Not only can’t he spell, but his vanity is so extreme that it is not hard to imagine him playing the wicked witch stepmother of Snow White in a remake, looking in the looking glass asking “who is the fairest of them all.” But I digress, since the first of the two is the most important. Texas rapper Slim Thug, in an interview conducted by Vibe magazine and released conveniently before the VH1 Hip Hop Awards to honor Southern rap culture, gave his inarticulate and ill-informed purview on African American women. He also spoke about issues related to men, but I will not speak of them in this tractacte since it is lucid that he has no understanding of what a man is.
Describing black women he stated, “Black women feel like they ain’t gotta do that s— and that they “need to stand by their man more.” The rapper also made note to mention that his current girlfriend was biracial and that “the half-white in her, is where she still cooks and do all the s— that I say, so we make it. She just takes care of me and I like that. She don’t be begging and I don’t gotta buy her all this crazy a– s—.”
It is strange to me that a man would complain about what he created. By listening to his music it is easy to see that he has no respect or appreciation for women in general nor has the ability to show such. I first realized this a while back when from his Twitter account, he posted a picture of himself having sex with a woman in his bathroom — the picture was taken via cell phone through his bathroom mirror.
This may be why he thinks that sisters “don’t want to settle for less” and that “their standards are too high.” For starters, money and success don’t make the man, which is a lesson real men know and learn from their fathers. Only an idiot savant would suggest that a woman bow down to him. In the real world sustainable relationships are based on unconditional love and a mutual respect for one another. A real man — albeit they may desire a woman to cook for them — can cook for themselves and need no one to take care of them. Slim Thug’s description leans more toward being a child than a man. But this is to be anticipated from individuals who define themselves by material as opposed to personal character and integrity. But again, what should I expect from a 29-year-old who considers himself to be a thug when in actuality you are just a pretty gay swaggot.
Yes, women do have high expectations and they should, in particular when bottom of the totem pole, algae eating catfish illiterates like slim Thug think they are God’s gift to women. No sir, women standards are not high enough, they should seek and desire men with intellectual prowess – both of which you lack. A person, regardless of gender can only respect others who respect them and you have demonstrated that you don’t have the capacity. I feel sorry for you and worse for any woman that would entertain your pleasure while you maintain an attitude of self hate and immaturity. Martin Luther King, Jr. was correct “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” –torrance stephens, ph.d.