Black Attorney Offers Affordable Legal Services in Chicago

altInside Chicago’s Legal Café various law citations and legal quotes cover the walls.  One in particular by Justice Thurgood Marshall reads, “What is the quality of your intent?”

Good question.   

Since opening the café and law firm a little over a month ago, Maize Harris  has offered clients legal help in a cozy environment nestled in Chicago’s West Loop.tony binns

What services does Chicago’s Legal Café offer?

Chicago’s Legal Café offers walk-in legal services to individuals at affordable prices. CLC has a network of attorneys in all practice areas. In addition, the attorneys in the CLC network are licensed in Illinois and are in good standing with the ARDC [Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission].

Why did you choose this location?

I wanted a location convenient for those needing to visit the café by public transportation or by car. CLC is located on Madison Street, which is a major arterial street and is located just a few blocks from the Kennedy and Dan Ryan highways.

How did you come up with the idea?
A lawyer in Santa Monica [Calif.], had a similar concept. I read an article in the American Bar Association (ABA) Journal titled, ‘Legal Rebels.’ I was inspired because it was a break with tradition. I loved [the idea of] a law firm in a café setting. Our motto is ‘Leave The Brewing To Us.’ After reading this article, I hopped on a plane to meet the man behind this new approach to offering legal services. After a few days of meeting with him at his law firm/café, I was inspired to bring a similar concept to Chicago.

Chicago’s Legal Café, 1338 W. Madison, (312) 455-2200, or e-mail at [email protected].

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