So be careful of how short you go. Summertime is here, and the heat calls on us to exercise more decorum than usual. So when you see a woman sporting short shorts in any form, remain calm and be courteous. Let’s not be short with each other and allow tempers to soar along with the temperature. A short fuse might be all it takes to ignite the fire of frenzy that could end with a fatlity. Stay cool and maintain your dignity.
“Wear colored shorts so that they’re bold and they’re bright
And by all means make sure they fit you just right.
Like a flower in the day
Think of yourself as a walking floral bouquet.
Let us respect those who are wearing shorts
Don’t glare at them and run them away.
And while you have a basic right to say what’s on your mind
Keep those ludicrous ideas in your head
And grow a man-sized spine.
If your choice is to go short
Be dignified when you cavort
And add respect and dignity
To the way you want to be.” –munson steed