DJ Nabs Performs Michael Jackson Tribute in Moscow, China and Taiwan

DJ Nabs Performs Michael Jackson Tribute in Moscow, China and Taiwan In 1992, DJ Nabs got the once in a lifetime opportunity to tour with Michael Jackson while controlling the one’s and two’s for Kris Kross. After the untimely death of the King of Pop, DJ Nabs decided to create a tribute that would capture the true essence of the music legend. 

After producing a documentary called American DJ Story Presents: Diary of a Mad DJ, several notable figures overseas found out about DJ Nabs’ amazing tribute to Jackson and invited him to perform in their countries. His show will be featured in Taiwan, China, the U.K., and Moscow. DJ Nabs sat down with rolling out to discuss his journey. –a.r.

How does the love for Michael Jackson overseas compare to how Americans appreciate him?

I’m gonna’ say my experience thus far overseas, its that there is a deep appreciation for music. In America it’s about who is hot. It’s trendy and we forget about whose not hot, its not that way overseas. In America we may not have appreciated him as much, but so far the love has been equal in America and overseas for Michael Jackson.

What do you remember most about touring with Michael Jackson in 1992?  

I have footage from the tour on my DVD. Michael Jackson had two stages. It took three days to put Michael Jackson’s stages up for the Dangerous Tour. He had two separate crews. While Michael Jackson was doing a show, his second crew would be working on the next city to set up. For a stage set up to take three days, that should let you know how massive the show is. There were 100,000 people who would show up in each city. We toured with Michael for three months and Kris Kross’ show was 45 minutes. In between Kris Kross’ set, I would perform. I met Michael after the tour was over. He thanked us all for being a part of it. His show was electric. I watched it 11 times. It was like a magic show, and a circus and a concert all in one.

How did he inspire you as a performer?

I think Michael was so great that as a child, I didn’t even know how much he influenced me until I got older. I couldn’t sing or dance like Michael, but I used dee jaying as a way to express myself artistically. I picked up showmanship from him. He embodied the music when he performed on stage. I try to use all of that when I DJ. Obviously, I study DJ heroes like Jam Master Jay. But Michael Jackson’s passion can influence anyone.

You can follow DJ Nabs’ journey overseas by going to his Twitter @djnabsinlab

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