Tea Party Leadership Calls NAACP ‘Old Fossils’ Who Make Money ‘Off Skin Color’

alt“The Ku Klux Klan don’t wear white anymore. They have traded in their white sheets for black robes and business suits. And now they are trying to rewrite and obliterate the gains made by our esteemed leaders [of the 1960s].”  Minister Louis Farrakhan, “Blacks in Government” speech, 1990

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – It didn’t take long for Tea Party leaders to fire heat-seekers back at the NAACP for using a resolution to denounce racist factions within the mostly white grassroots organization.

On CNN yesterday, Tea Party Express leader Mark Williams said the NAACP was the one that harbors racists within its organization and is swimming in the cesspool of racial politics to make money. When Roland Martin challenged the inflammatory Williams to publicly announce that they do not welcome, attract or tolerate racism within their movement, Williams had this to say:

“Racists have their own movement. It’s called the NAACP. A bunch of old fossils looking to make a buck off skin color.”

Remember, this is the same Williams who said Muslims worship a “monkey god.”

 Williams never addresses or answers Martin’s rather simplistic question as to whether there are racist elements thriving in the Tea Party. Nor does Williams say that he would expel such interlopers from their ranks or try to counsel the rest of the Tea Party organization against it.

It appears that the Tea Party braintrust has figured out that the best defense to the obvious manifestation of racism within their ranks is to quickly accuse their critics of the altsame thing in order to try to reverse the conversation and confuse the masses.

It reminds me of the aforementioned statement Min. Louis Farrakhan made 20 years ago about the shifting paradigm of hate in America. The hate has never left us. It just comes in different forms now.

terry shropshire

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