LeBron’s Girlfriend, Savannah, Talks Love, Marriage and Baby Mama Status

LeBron’s Girlfriend, Savannah, Talks Love, Marriage and Baby Mama Status

If you think that LeBron James’ longtime girlfriend, Savannah Brinson, is just going to sit in the background and accept baby mama status, then you’re sadly mistaken. That was clearly evident in a recent Harper’s Bazaar feature where she was quick to point out, “I’m not just a baby mama. There’s a lot more to me than that!”

Brinson went on to discuss a number of topics ranging from the groupies in Miami to couple’s plans for marriage. Here are some of the highlights.

On the groupies in Miami:
I’m not worried,” she declares, sounding assured. “We’re good. Our relationship is good.”

On whether they are planning to get married:
“I’ve definitely not put a fire under his a–,” she says. “I would never rush him to do something like that. We’re really comfortable with the way things are now. And it’s not up to me. When it happens, it happens. We talk about it. If we do it, I want it to be forever. I’m the mother of his children,” she says proudly. “I’m not a baby mama. There’s a lot more to me than that.”

LeBron James on Savannah
“A person like myself always needs a great sidekick and a person you can rely on no matter the circumstances. And she’s that,” he says. “She’s got my back, and I love her for that.”

Brinson shares that the couple’s two sons will go to school in Cleveland, and that they will divide their time between Miami and Ohio. Let’s hope that the Cleveland fans don’t harass those kids. Check out the video below. –djr

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