Money, money, money — money.
All over the world currency is in play
It’s the art of transaction
Twenty four hours a day.
We love it in varying degrees
But music, athletics and products
Have proven to be the way for me.
While cruising through a neighborhood
In Amsterdam I found money on the wall where I stood
It was a framed billboard with the likeness of Michael Jackson
For all visitors to see
And there he was looming and greeting me.
Michael Jackson had come to Amsterdam in 1977
And apparently he’d left quite an impression.
The Dutch erected this tribute to Michael
To see and remember as they ride by and cycle
Michael is a reflection of the ambiguous nature of wealth
He continues to make money, maybe even more since his death
People make money through passive and active ways
But it almost always involves traversing a maze.
A song gets published and the money flows
Through the mailboxes and fingers of those in the know.
For all of us that want to know just how these things come about
Understand that it’s in the ideas and creations that geniuses sprout.
It comes from Velcro, and USB ports
There’s great value in the things we sell short.
But here is Michael standing, great and tall
And underneath I read in the print that is small
The photographer’s welcome to those viewing the display
He recounted his time spent with the pop legend
And in the fine print, “Send cash for a photo.”
Yes, making money is the way of the day
So holding technology in your hand
With all of its applications is the way to moneyland.
These are the ideas that occupy our lives today
Intangible solutions to real world maladies.
There’s an app for everything you see.
Apps that tell you where to go
Apps that tell you where to catch a show
Apps that give you the words to songs that you don’t know.
Apps will ultimately save the day
And apps can be used to pave the way.
But if you’re not thinking about apps right now
You’re probably not thinking about making money anyhow.
Keeping up with changing times is required
To make yourself and your product attractive for hire.
Embrace the vision and learn the technology
That will keep you free
From debt and apology.
People want to download their needs
With convenience and relative speed
They want service at a click
They want it fast and quick
They want it now instead of later
But if you’re not in don’t be a hater.
Because they make you pay to play.
So here Michael’s image is on this street in Amsterdam
Bigger than life and available to you for a price.
So find the money maker, the millionaire in you
That will step to the plate and put one through
To make a song, create an invention
Just keep your mind sharp and pay attention.
Determine your fate and master your future
Be a Web site master or an Internet searcher.
Michael is still making money on music
For others who will appreciate and use it.
I’m putting my cap on and thinking about the apps
That I’ll publish too
And then one day soon, sell to you.
I’ll embrace technology
I’ll harness the technology
And I’ll help myself
It’s my ideology.
Make yourself some money
Get in the know
Live a bigger life
And enjoy the show.
Even on vacation in Amsterdam
There’s money to me made
Money for dreams.
And if you can’t see that
You don’t know what I mean.
Money, money, money was the song
But don’t just sing the tune
Make it happen and soon
Your life will be strong.
Munson Steed