Dr. Laura Was Right: The N-Word Has Too Much Power!

altWhether it was meant for an increase in ratings or to relieve herself of repressed racism, I, as a black man, couldn’t care less about Dr. Laura’s usage of the term n—– on her show. In fact, she’s right; we’ve given that term, affectionately known as the N-word, way too much post slavery power.  

Will I go around using it myself as a term of endearment? Of course not because I’m not ignorant to its connotation, but I also will not allow it to conjure up feelings of inferiority or hate in me. That’s my choice. If I absolutely, unequivocally do not identify with the term, why would it bring me any grief when spoken by hate-filled people or non-blacks? With all I’ve learned a this stage of my life, I’ve completely transcended anything designed to take me to a negative place against my will … and the N-word is no exception.

If I identify that, to me, irrelevant term as my Achilles’ heel and give the power to someone else to ruffle my feathers anytime they — as stated above — want an increase in ratings or to allow their own right to be racist to see the light of day, I’m the fool. I understand the term’s history and the pain it caused, but today, I can only be a n—— if I choose to be one … and I don’t. And no one else can assign it to me.

I’m a n—– if I choose to be uneducated. I’m a n—– if I choose to denigrate women. I’m a n—– if I choose to throw money away on depreciating junk. I’m a n—– if I make babies and leave them to fend for themselves. I’m a n—– if I drink and smoke myself to my grave. I’m a n—– only if I choose to be.

So, Laura, whatever your intentions, benign or malicious, my feathers remain neatly in place, for I am confident I am NOT a n—–. –painfully aware

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