Glenn Beck, arguably the nation’s most perverse race baiter, knew exactly what he was doing when he planned a Tea Party rally in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 28. It is the same day Martin Luther King Jr. gave his legendary “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington 47 years ago.
Beck and Sarah Palin, the headline speaker of the Tea Party rally, are not stupid. They know the significance of the day. They know that MLK gave his most famous speech on the steps of the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. So they are pitching their tent, in a “Restoring Honor” rally, this Saturday on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
It may get a little heated in the nation’s capital since Rev. Al Sharpton, the National Action Network, the National Urban League and the NAACP and others plan a march that will end at the same spot where the Tea Party rally is going down.
Beck’s and Palin’s intent are obvious: to attempt to pervert, befoul and bastardize the colossal symbolism of the ‘63 March on Washington and supplant it with their own demented vision of America.
Despite his protestations to the contrary and feigning ignorance of the significance of the day, Beck planned this assault on civil rights with malice aforethought. Palin, who has a crack-addict’s addiction to undeserved attention, has proven unequivocally that she’s willing to bestialize anything held sacred by people who differ from her in looks or philosophy
Sharpton, the president of the National Action Network, told reporters that Beck’s event is an “outright attempt to flip the imagery of Dr. King.” Sharpton said Beck is “circumventing him and distorting him.” –terry shropshire