San Francisco Prison Installs Condom Machines: Encourages Gay Sex

San Francisco Prison Installs Condom Machines: Encourages Gay Sex

A mixed message is currently being promoted at a local San Francisco prison. According to the laws of the land, sex among prisoners is illegal. But if that’s the case, then why are prison officials installing condom machines around the facility? At San Francisco’s San Bruno lockup, the prevailing sentiment is that it’s just another step towards promoting safe sex within the community.

Uhhh, OK.

This week, the facility installed 16 condom machines — one in each jail pod. According to Kate Monico Klien, who is directing the city’s public health department, this step is “worth it, because it could save lives.”

This move sends the wrong message. Instead of equipping prisoners to have sex the right way, why not enforce the law and crack down on the rampant cases of rape in the prison system? Besides, if the inmates are anything like the man in the video below, then I really don’t think they’re going to pause and get a condom before they rape another inmate. This whole jail-rape situation is out of hand.

Check out the video below to get a taste of the mind-et of some of these prisoners. Note to self: never go to jail. –djr

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