President Obama Report Card to Be Issued by Political Group at Congressional Black Caucus

alt src=// obama.jpgPresident Obama’s job performance related to addressing the concerns of the African American community will be graded during the Shirley Chisholm Presidential Accountability Commission at the Congressional Black Caucus convention.

The commission, formed in honor of the first African American elected to Congress as well as the first woman to run for president of the United States, will deliver a report card to the media that outlines the Obama administration’s work on issues specifically related to black people.

Ron Daniels, a political scientist who founded the Shirley Chisholm Commission, said he formed the group as a way to formally hold the country’s first black Commander-in-Chief accountable. He said the commission will directly address the growing issue as to whether blacks should demand more from the president during a historical recession that inordinately impacts them.

“The subtext is that there seems to be some hesitancy – to put it mildly – on the part of the Obama administration to overtly address issues of race,” Daniels said. “There is talk about a rising tide lifts all boats. But if there is unevenness in terms of how the boats are situated, then maybe you should look at that, instead of some across-the-board notion.”

The commission is being held just hours before Obama is scheduled to speak before the Congressional Black Caucus 40th Annual Legislative Conference’s Phoenix Awards Dinner at the Washington Convention Center.

Obama, who received tough questions on black radio recently (most notably on the “Tom Joyner Morning Show” this past week), has avoided talking about or overtly working on issues related to any demographic, much less blacks. During the Tom Joyner interview, Obama repeated his stance that his policies, such as overhauling health care, will help blacks and minorities who battle disparities along with other Americans.

The Chisholm Commission includes Julianne Malveaux, a political economist and president of Bennett College for Women; Michael K. Fauntroy, an associate professor of public policy at George Mason University; and Tricia Bent-Goodley, a professor of social work at Howard University.

An associate director from the White House Office of Urban Affairs is scheduled to attend on behalf of the president. –terry shropshire

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