The impetus to create such an organization derives from Lee’s own challenges within the public school system.
“I wasn’t exactly an A student back in the day because busing was out. They moved us from one school to the next and there were only two in my class of color,” he shared. “I felt that I wasn’t getting the individual attention I needed. It took time to become empowered from busing. It took self-discipline and learning how to do the things necessary to become successful.”
With that experience in mind, Lee’s rallying the support of everyone including parents, teachers, students, community leaders, clergy, the healthcare system and even his friend and colleague Steve Harvey to help empower today’s youth in their academic pursuits.
“Steve and I would go to different schools together, so he wrote [the foundation its] first check. It was great to have that from him because it shows that we must all come together and help individuals become successful. We have to help people realize there is something special in them and create that self-esteem so that they want to present themselves in a positive way,” Lee said.
With much support from various political and educational sources, the Make the Grade Foundation is off to a promising start; nevertheless, Lee’s already looking towards the future with an expansion in services.
“We’re going to do college affairs and focus on the building of a lot of internet radio stations in schools, community centers and churches,” he said. “This will help people to learn to communicate better and change the lives of young people forever.” –souleo