Excitement Gone From Congressional Black Caucus Annual Conference for Multiple Reasons

altBlack political scandals, a moribund economy, questions about the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s very questionable spending priorities and a president constantly under siege and disrespected have all conspired to drain the excitement and thrill from the Annual Legislative Conference.

In years past, the nation’s capital was crackling with the electricity that flowed from one end of the District to the other during the highly anticipated week. A-list celebrities used to jostle for the right to appear and perform at the most coveted events. Attendance was mandatory at the plethora of exclusive cocktail parties and upscale receptions. And folks practically sold their children into bondage to get into the Phoenix Awards gala, the CBC’s signature event that unofficially closed the convention for most people.

Not this year.

The Phoenix Awards hosts, actors Tracee Ross and Lamman Rucker, tried mightily and futilely to resuscitate the audience by injecting humor into the show. But their lukewarm jokes just ricocheted off the walls of the cavernous dining hall and fell listlessly to the floor. They were a portrait of exasperation. Irritation was etched into the face of Victoria Rowell who tried to rouse them from their slumber with calls for action against “Hollywood apartheid.” When dignitaries and legislators were introduced, attendees clapped like it hurt. It reminded me of the famous scene in Coming to America when Eddie Murphy’s character Randy Watson kept yelping “Sexual Chocolate” repeatedly in order to induce applause in the lethargic audience. With some 4,000 people in the room at the CBC, the lack of excitement and energy was deafening, and almost embarrassing.

Another thing: there were many open and half-empty dinner tables at the Phoenix Awards, something I had never witnessed before in the eight years I’ve covered the CBC.

altCBCF president Dr. Elsie Scott told the audience why the Caucus is still an important player in American politics and culture. But the organization has yet to provide a plausible explanation, when the sheets were yanked from over them, as to why they could possibly spend more money on their receptions at the convention than on the college scholarships that they have so proudly talked about in the past.

There is also the specter of the Congressional Black Caucus being reduced in size in the coming months. The all-important November midterm elections have people overdosing on anxiety. Two of the most well-known and influential black politicians — Charlie Rangel of New York and Maxine Waters of Los Angeles — have come under great scrutiny for alleged ethic violations that could remove them from office. Two other black politicians are under investigation for diverting the CBCF’s scholarship programs to dozens of family members, relatives and friends. Adding to those woes, the economy probably caused corporate partners (the people who foot the bill for these galas) to scale back considerably.

It is not looking good for the home team right now. President Obama worked his best oratorical magic to infuse some life into the Phoenix Awards, but even that moment was extremely fleeting. In all, there was something missing from the 40th annual Legislative Conference and many people noticed, including my media colleagues. BET President Debra Lee was among the most prominent to take note. But what to do about it is another story. –terry shropshire

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