Study Shows 85 Percent of Children’s Drinks Contaminated With Lead


A new study conducted by the nonprofit Environmental Law Foundation reports that 85 percent of beverages marketed to children contain dangerous levels of lead. These levels are so high and alarming, that under the state of California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, popularly known as Prop. 65, they should be covered with warning labels.

The foundation examined food products marketed to kids that were likely to contain lead, based on previous studies. They employed an Environmental Protection Agency-certified lab to test 146 products from these categories that are specifically marketed for children. These products included juices, fruit  mixes, packaged peaches and pears, and baby food. Although the Food and Drug Administration states that 6 micrograms of lead per day is safe, the American Academy of Pediatrics contends that there’s no safe level. Dr. Barbara G. Callahan of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst in response to the report stated that such exposure “among children is a particular concern because their developing bodies absorb lead at a higher rate, and because children are particularly sensitive to lead’s toxic effects, including decreased I.Q.”  Lead consumption can also lead to and result in damage to the central nervous system and brain, hearing loss and learning disabilities. –torrance stephens, ph.d.

Lead contamination was found in products made by Welch’s, Tree Top, Minute Maid, Earth’s Best Organics Apple Juice, Trader Joe’s Certified Organic Apple Juice (pasteurized), Del Monte 100 percent Juice Fruit Cocktail, Safeway Diced Peaches in Light Syrup, and S&W Sun Pears Premium. A full list of products can be found at

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