African American Vote Will Determine the Future of the Country; If You Don’t Vote, You Lose

altThe enemies of change want their country back. You will decide with your vote if they get it or not.

Ivy League and political studies have proven without a doubt that if black and brown people get out to vote in large numbers, they will decide the outcome of political races in upwards of 20 states. It will decide how effectively President Obama will be able to govern in the next two years — and if he will gain a second presidential term. It’s that simple.

And here is a potentially tragic truth: even if you don’t decide to vote, you will also decide the outcome of political races in 20 states, but you will not benefit from it. You will be crushed underneath the rollback of changes that right-wing extemists have been lusting to institute ever since Obama had the audacity to earn the Oval Office.  

Your vote does not only count, it is of monumental importance at this precarious time in America. Your vote, coupled with your neighbors’ votes and your relatives’ votes and your friends’ votes and your co-workers’ votes will create a critical mass of energy that will tilt the direction of local, state and federal legislation one way or the other.

The enemies of change and equality have revealed themselves to you. With their placards and signs and Tea Party slogans, they let you know unquestionably they don’t like the president and went out of their way to disrespect him in ways that have never been done to a president before.

Obama’s enemies say they want their country back. They say they want to return the nation to what it once was. What does that mean?

Does that mean a country that doesn’t pay people what they are worth? Does that mean they don’t want a country that provides health care to all Americans? Does that mean they want to go back to a time where minorities knew their place in society, especially for African Americans? Does that mean they don’t want more money spent on education and job training? Does that mean they want to maintain the insidious prison industrial complex that has decimated our community and brought states to the brink of financial collapse.

If you don’t exercise your right to vote, we face a Katrina-like political disaster where conservatives and many others within the Tea Party movement are looking to roll back and obliterate the human rights gained over the last half century.

Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and so many others walked so that Obama could run. Obama is running so that we and our children can fly. Our vote can power them off the ground.

Get out and vote. Our future depends on it. –terry shropshire

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