Known for their hilarious animated features and classic fairy tales, Disney has done it once again with Tangled. With the lead roles played by actress-singer Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi, star of NBC’s hit series “Chuck,” the timeless story is retold with a brand-new flair.
Based on Rapunzel, the tale of a princess with unbelievably long hair, trapped in a castle, waiting on a prince to rescue her — is completely flipped on its head. This installment features a cooler, more independent heroine who isn’t waiting for a man to save the day. She is adventurous, intelligent, and “whips her hair back and forth” to get what she wants. The prince isn’t a gallant young fellow, either. He’s a handsome shyster who can’t be trusted — and wait to till you see the evil stepmother, she is force to be reckoned with.
Unlike other animated films, the creative team at Disney went out of their way to ensure that Tangled was an original and authentic addition to the Disney vault. They brought in researchers and specialists to make sure the hair looked and moved as realistically as possible and managed to complete an animation process that typically spans several years in only two years.
” It was a really interesting experience. I was never in the same room as the other actors, which was a first. I would have to imagine their voices and reactions as I did my material. … It was really cool and educational playing this character …,” explains Moore.
“It was hard only having my voice to express myself … it really stretches you as an actor …,” concurs Levi.
Definitely a must-see film for anyone who likes witty dialogue, uproarious action sequences, super cool 3-D effects, and of course, lots and lots of hair. Beyond that, with hair being such a sensitive topic among young girls in the black community, the film is a great conversation starter to address some of the issues surrounding the topic. It’s a perfect opportunity for teaching little girls of color to love their hair, no matter what state it’s in.
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Tangled is in theaters nationwide. –marqueta smith