T.I. continues to reveal his thoughts to fans while serving an 11-month prison sentence in Arkansas. On the day that he released his new album, No Mercy, the Atlanta-born artist also released a letter to his fans.
“I must admit it takes a lot to go through as much as I have and still keep the love in your heart and in your art,” T.I. wrote. “But at the end of the day, if that’s what it takes to produce the music that keeps the world of hip-hop evolving on it’s [sic] axis….Then even the lowest of the lows of my life was all worth it. Thanks again for your prayers, your time and attention. And remember….It does’nt [sic] matter how long it’ll be before the next time you see me. What matters is that I’ll be a better man before that time comes. The longer I sit, the smarter I get.”
Since being caught with drugs and violating his probation in September, T.I. has apologized to his family, business associates and fans on numerous occasions. On several tracks featured on his new album, T.I. begs for forgiveness and raps about his internal conflicts.
Although his contrition seems heartfelt, T.I.’s words are worthless at this point. He must back up his words with action by enrolling in a drug rehab program once he completes his sentence. It’s also important for him to condemn drug use once he gets an opportunity to speak with his young fans again. T.I. could become a great voice for the improvement of the black community with his platform and reach. But until he proves that he can avoid his demons and temptation, there is no reason for anyone to listen to what he says or follow him. –a.r.