In October 2010, a moratorium was placed on all filming in the porn industry after an actor tested positive for HIV. Once the actor was identified, every person in the adult film industry who had sex with the actor was quarantined.
Once known as Patient Zeta, porn actor Derrick Burts, 24, has finally spoken out about his positive status. Burts performed in straight and gay porn films and believes that he contracted the disease after filming a gay porn scene in Florida.
Burts has since teamed up with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation center in Los Angeles to speak out against the current practices in the porn industry.
He believes that it’s imperative for the producers of adult films to enforce mandatory condom use. During a recent interview, Burts told the Los Angeles Times, “Making $10,000 or $15,000 for porn isn’t worth your life. Performers need to be educated.” –a.r.
For more information on how to practice safer sex, visit PlannedParenthood.