Chris Brown was “minding his own business” when loose cannon, Raz-B, decided to lob woman-beating criticism at him on Twitter. The former B2K singer was going on and on about his admiration for Rihanna when he decided to bring Chris’ name into the convo.
Somehow Chris got wind of the diss and went in on Raz regarding his homosexual encounters. Breezy implied that he only whined about the experiences when the checks stopped coming in. The argument culminated with Chris Brown posting the photo found on the left on twitpic.
Twitter is the new playground when it comes to fighting. It gives those that wouldn’t otherwise have contact the opportunity to throw punches by saying whatever they like, with an electronic crowd of instigators looking on.
Ex-group mate, Omarion, even joined the e-fray by “lol-ing” Chris calling Raz a homothug. Of course, Raz hurled a couple of insults at him, too, even using the “your momma” card. Raz eventually succumbed to the pressure, though, because Chris’ million-plus fans began to pile on. He was advised to fall back and he did.
Is it too early for Breezy to get into controversial back and
forths while he’s on a roll with his comeback? Someone chimed in,
calling Chris a homophobe at one point. Minor … and it is open season
on Raz, since he’s considered a nut case, but Chris may want to focus
on his music and leave the beefing alone for now.
Here are the tweets: