Rolling Out

Powerful Black Women Will Convene at Black Enterprise Event in Orlando

along with host State Farm® will kick off the sixth annual Women of Power Summit Feb. 23 at the Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes in Orlando, Florida. The four-day event, which consistently attracts more than 700 mid- to senior-level managers, executives, and aspiring professionals is a unique forum where women can network, share experiences, and learn proven success strategies from industry leaders.

“The Women of Power Summit is an excellent resource for those who have the preparation and positioning to move up the corporate ladder but perhaps missed important cues, operated in isolation, or lacked the necessary mentorship to bring their achievements to light,” said Careers Editorial Director Sonia Alleyne. “With today’s unprecedented level of education, women of color are filling the corporate pipeline but there remains a distinct drop off for females at the managerial level.”alt

“There is an entire generation of women ready to surge into leadership positions,” said Executive Editor and Black Enterprise Business Report host Caroline Clarke. “We’ve produced this event to give them the tools they need to move past the obstacles blocking their path and the confidence they need to realize that even in today’s economy anything is possible. The Women of Power Summit demonstrates that they not only have a resource in BLACK ENTERPRISE but also in each other.”

“It’s an honor for State Farm to be the host sponsor of this prestigious event,” said State Farm Marketing Vice President Pam El. “As a leading provider of insurance and financial services, we are thrilled to be able to provide this amazing experience to the savvy women of this event to help them take charge of their professional and financial futures. As an employer and as a company with continued focus on the importance of education, we recognize the impact that this Summit will have not only for the women involved but also for the roles they play in our country’s financial future.”

altFor the past 40 years, BLACK ENTERPRISE has served as the unprecedented leader in career development for African American professionals. Sessions at this year’s Women of Power Summit include The Art of Execution: Mastering the Discipline of Getting It Done; How to Build a Winning Team; Managing the Risks and Rewards of Social Media; Managing Your Emotions at Work; The Unspoken Truth: Image Control; Reinventing the Job You Have; Résumé Triage; and The Undercover Overachiever: Getting the Recognition You Deserve.

For more information or to register for the Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit hosted by State Farm®, visit
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