Star Jones Publicly Responds to NeNe Leakes, Thinks She Misrepresents Black Women on TV

altAfter weeks of public attacks from her “Celebrity Apprentice” co-star, NeNe Leakes, Star Jones is finally going public with her response to the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star, admitting that she’s disappointed in the way she and Leakes represented black women on TV.

“This actually saddens me. Black women trashing other black women, all for the sake of personal aggrandizement,” said Jones in an interview with “I had hoped we could avoid falling into the typical ‘snake charmer in your face loud bombastic black woman’ stereotypical box that was expected.”

In the interview, Jones also attempted to dispel any notions that she can’t get along with black women and that it was, in fact, Leakes who attacked every other black woman on the show.

“But, you’ll see this season on the show, at some point, NeNe attacked all the black women on the show and scared the other women to death with her aggressive approach,” explained Jones. “But to be fair, it is an approach that works for her kind of television interaction, as evidenced by the great ratings they generate.”

Jones said that she hopes Leakes learns to better represent black women both in TV and in business.

“I would hope, as she becomes more exposed to a variety of professional situations, she will tone down the vitriolic, emotional reactions and learn to express herself in a manner that is more reflective of the majority of black women in America,” said Jones.

Do you agree with Jones? Who do you think better represents black women? –nicholas robinson

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