Republican Jack Davis: Deport Hispanics So Busloads of Blacks Can Pick Crops

Republican Jack Davis: Deport Hispanics So Busloads of Blacks Can Pick CropsRepublican congressional candidate Jack Davis of New York shocked even his fellow colleagues when he said Hispanics should be deported and that African Americans should be bused to pick crops.

“We have a huge unemployment problem with black youth in our cities. Put them on buses, take them out there [to the farms] and pay them a decent wage; they will work,” Davis said, according to the Buffalo News.

Davis doesn’t abide by the GOP protocol that you camoflauge your racism within neat and tidy euphemisms such as “inner cities,” “urban youth,” “take back our cities,” and the like. Davis repeated his deportation and busing sentiments in a recent interview with Republican leaders, who later delivered the party endorsement for the vacant seat in the 26th Congressional District to Assemblywoman Jane L. Corwin of Clarence, N.Y. Republicans claimed they couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

What probably shocked them is that they could not believe Davis had the intestinal fortitude to say aloud what most of them whisper to each other in backrooms and at their exclusive country clubs.

“I was thunderstruck,” said Amherst GOP Chairman Marshall Wood. “Maybe in 1860 that might have been seen by some as an appropriate comment, but not now.”

Davis also said that Latino farm workers, working in rural areas in Western New York on a temporary visa, should be deported. The scores of unemployed black youth, Davis asserts, should be shipped in to replace the illegal aliens.

Davis spokesman W. Curtis Ellis acknowledged that Davis’ comments “may not be politically correct and … may not be racially correct.” Still, Ellis defended Davis’ comments.

“It may not be politically correct and it may not be racially correct, but when you have African American people in Buffalo who do not have jobs and are out of work, why are you bringing people into this country illegally to take jobs?” Ellis asked.

Charging that Republicans were discussing Davis’ comments now because they don’t want him on the ballot, Ellis added: “If you want somebody who only has poll-tested words come out of their mouths, Jane Corwin is your candidate.” –terry shropshire

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