Black Violence Escalates as Heat Index Rises

Black Violence Escalates as Heat Index RisesAs the urban adage goes, “When it gets hot outside the violence spikes.” And so it was,  on the first hot day of the year for many of the nation’s urban communities, there were a plethora of senseless shootings.

It really doesn’t matter which urban neighborhood you are in or come from, the acts of stupidity and cowardice are consistent. Compton, Watts, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Mississippi, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit, Florida, Washington, D.C., and so on. The scene is played out over and over again, like an old broken record. Kids shot. Youths gunned down. Gang violence escalates. Innocent victims killed!

Warmer months bring more violence along with a host of other community issues that hibernate during the winter. The onslaught of brutality and the lack of respect for life would compel any sane person to demand an immediate halt to these actions. Exactly what does this say about the communities that the perpetual genocide is taking place in?

Rather than fight, many have given up. They prepare for the atrocities that come with the warm weather. The dope boys are now front and center. They hang out and loiter and sell their drugs openly and catch up with the “homies” who were either locked down during the winter months or who are now back from hiding out, intent on securing their territories by any means necessary. A quarter of the nation’s high schools students aren’t finishing school. Where do you think they end up when it gets hot outside? It’s about to get hot. Real hot, real fast.

It’s time for the community to take more responsibility and ownership of their neighborhoods. It will take truly dedicated and committed people who care, while simultaneously lifting as they climb. There also needs to be a repeal the no-snitch street clause. Bottom line — get the undesirables off of the corners and blocks.

It’s not rocket science. Jobs, mentors and constructive activities for youth and teens are needed. Get real men back involved. Work with law enforcement and demand tangible reconstructive programs from our politicians.

Idle hands are  the devil’s playground. If not carefully and strategically planned, this summer will be the devil’s paradise.  –kendall moore

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