“It’s kind of like a body part that I was born with,” the 45-year-old says of the appendages she’s been growing for 18 years. “Now I don’t know what I would do without them.”
Walton is the mother of six daughters and has three grandchildren. She says the nails don’t interfere with being a grandmother, and if they ever do, “they have to go.” But for now she says, “I’ll grow them until they get in my way. Until I can’t do everyday living.”
The Duchess says she can cook, eat and drive just fine, but there is one thing she does need help with —she can’t reach into a pocket. She also has to alter her clothing to accommodate her nails. “If I like a jacket, I’ll take the seam out of the arm and replace it with a zipper so I can get my nails in the sleeves,” she explained.
At least once a month Walton manicures her nails, which takes about five bottles of polish and a lot of patience.
“I wear my patience on my hands,” she said. “Nobody can say I don’t have patience.”
The Sun posted a videotaped interview of The Duchess and her fingernails engaging in some everyday tasks like eating and ironing. Pretty interesting stuff.
Now I have to keep it real. Am I the only one in the world who wants to ask her….
How does she um, er…