Researchers Will Wipe Out Breast Cancer Soon, U.S. Lawmaker Vows

Researchers Will Wipe Out Breast Cancer Soon, U.S. Lawmaker Vows

A New Hampshire lawmaker is introducing legislation to work to bring an end to the malady known as breast cancer.

Congressman Charlie Bass, R-Concord, is forwarding a bill to create a commission that will do two key things: identify scientific advances in the war on the prolific cancer, and two, just as importantly, streamline research to end duplicate research programs that waste millions of dollars in work.

Bass’ mother succumbed to breast cancer in her 50s and therefore has personal interests at stake. He joins the New Hampshire Breast Cancer Coalition Tuesday, Oct. 12, in their announcement of the commencement of the Accelerating the End of Breast Cancer Act. The very ambitious goal is to wipe out breast cancer by 2012.

Researchers Will Wipe Out Breast Cancer Soon, U.S. Lawmaker Vows
New Hampshire Rep. Charlie Bass

Bass said, “To put it in legislative terms, this is really a bipartisan issue. Cancer does not discriminate, and every family has been affected in some way or another by cancer.” One important stipulation to the legislation: the commission has three years to make substantial strides or it will be disbanded, Bass said in a statement.

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