Police arrested two 10-year-olds in Aiken, S.C., after one of them pulled a semi-automatic Tec-9 pistol on a neighbor who joked that she was going to take the candy the boys had collected from trick-or-treating.
A 28-year-old woman told police she recognized the group of youngsters who were out trick-or-treating together, and teased them, saying she was going to steal their candy. One of the youngsters said, “No, you’re not [expletive],” and pointed the weapon at her.
Aiken Public Safety Lt. David Turno said the gun was not loaded, but the boy was carrying an ammunition clip with him.
The boy’s brother, also 10 years old, told the woman he, too, was carrying a weapon, but he did not show it. Police confiscated both weapons, which the boys got from their grandfather without his permission.
Turno used the incident to remind parents they must be mindful of the weapons they have in their homes to prevent this from happening in the future.
Um. OK. “Be mindful of the weapons …” I’m thinking something more along the lines of …
What the hell did grandpa need a semi-automatic assault weapon for in the first place?
I get the whole right to bear arms thing, but what message does it send to children to have this kind of firepower on hand? This is not a gun you need for recreational use, so, what, exactly, is its function?
Educate me on this one, gun lovers. Please. –kathleen cross