Clyde Anderson, the renowned “CNNMoney” contributor and financial expert, says the prospect of starting up a new business can cause anxiety and great trepidation in the would-be proprietor. The marketplace is very unforgiving for the naïve and the level of investment can be a great deterrent.
But Anderson, a lifestyle financial coach, author speaker and president of Financial Life Connections, said there are several businesses that you can start that are relatively inexpensive, give you experience at entrepreneurship and enable to you to reduce your risk while increasing your chances for returning a profit.
1. Notary:
Despite the fact that most old-school ways of conducting business have gone the way of the VCR and the electric typewriter in this technologically pervasive society, there are still functions in the marketplace that require paper and people to perform. Yes, we still use paper. Important personal documents — like property deeds, wills, or loan papers — have to be officially authenticated via a notary. Yes, financial institutions have notaries at their disposal, or you can easily start a business as a notary and operate the business from your home.
2. Confectionary Connoisseur:
This is real sophisticated terminology for the word “baker,” but this an ideal business venture for the culinary inclined. People truly blessed with baking skills can make a killing because coworkers and family members have proven they will peel off some bills for great homemade sweets. The start-up cost is minimal compared to other ventures and storefront businesses.
Caution: You will have to invest in quality baking equipment and a commercial kitchen, as it’s against the law to to make and sell goods en masse, save for small events such as bake sales. You can be held legally liable if someone, for example, contracted salmonella from one of your delicious cakes.
3. Personal Trainer:
This is a great concept, and possible moneymaker for the fitness enthusiast. And it’s a good time of the year to get established since millions of people are rededicating themselves to nutritional and cardiovascular comportment.
Those who’ve demonstrated their expertise in the various aspects of exercise, nutrition and the like are at a premium in this obese society of ours. And because of that, they will be able to earn thick stacks for showing people viable ways to trim the fact, add muscle and help them rediscover the body forms they were so proud of in their youth.
It is a prerequisite for personal trainers to procure certification via the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and some states require that you own exercise equipment common to workout gyms. –terry shropshire