Zoe Saldana Angry About Lack of Diversity on Magazine Covers

Zoe Saldana Angry About Lack of Diversity on Magazine Covers

Zoe Saldana is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, having appeared in cadre of blockbuster films, including “Avatar,” the highest-grossing film of all time. But despite her star power, she says that she and other women of color in the industry still have a hard time gracing the covers of major magazines.

“I can’t yet pose for any magazine. I wish I could,” the actress told The Huffington Post on the red carpet at the Cosmopolitan for Latinas launch party May 9.

“There are a lot of magazines that are still sort of … that only cater to a certain demographic and only put certain people on their covers,” added Saldana, who is half-Dominican, half-Puerto Rican. “And that’s fine — I never lose hope that one day certain big magazines can broaden their exposure of what is an American face.”

Saldana says that magazines have great influence and power when it comes to culture and that she just wants to be a part of influencing change in favor of diversity.

“I never like to get political, but when you have the ability, through your media, to influence a large mass of people, I would want to be a part of the evolving cycle of progress vs. keeping things the way that they are. I think that I speak for a lot of us, Americans, that I would want to see a little more diversity,” she said.

“For the love of God, we have a black president,” Saldana added. “That should’ve set the tone on a lot of things that should’ve been a little quicker, and it’s not enough.”

Luckily, for Saldana and other Latin women, they now have Cosmopolitan for Latinas, a new magazine launched earlier this month, to give them a face and a voice in the world of media.

“I feel like I need to contribute my two cents in terms of something that should be happening more,” she said. “But that said, I’m always a person that’s half-full, and magazines like Cosmopolitan for Latinas are doing what others should be doing more of.”

And it comes as no surprise that Saldana herself was chosen to be the magazine’s first cover girl.

Zoe Saldana Angry About Lack of Diversity on Magazine Covers

“For me to have been invited to be the first on their cover, I feel so honored and grateful,” Saldana said. “To be seen and to be respected for my work and acknowledged as a true American Latina … means a lot to me.”

Saldana’s words certainly ring true and we’re sure that many minorities in Hollywood would agree. And hopefully, as times change, more diverse faces will be seen on the covers of magazines.

But their have been some note strides for people of color in magazines. Check out a list of landmark covers below. –nicholas robinson

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