Mother of Solomon
Bathsheba gave birth to one of the most highly regarded and wisest men in the bible, but her story is also a cautionary tale of coveting, lust, betrayal and murder. She was well-named as it was her “bath-ing” that attracted the attention of King David. Their illicit affair resulted in the birth of a son. David tried for some damage control by sending her husband out to war, back to the house hoping for a copulating cover-up, and then out to the frontlines to get killed. David got his wish — Bathsheba’s husband was killed in battle, and David thought he had gotten away with it. Nathan confronted him and David repented bitterly. Their sin is well documented and the effects to David’s household long-lasting. However, a son was born from their union and Solomon turned out to be a peaceable ruler whose wisdom was legendary. Bathsheba’s motherhood gives women hope that, regardless of the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy and the birth of your child, God can redeem any situation. You never know, you might just have the wisest person ever on the planet staring back at you from that high chair.