Mother of Jesus
God the Father chose to have his only begotten Son brought into the world through the Immaculate Conception. But Mary’s pregnancy was not without drama. Unwed pregnancies were frowned upon back in those day — so much so that a person could get stoned for it. It lightened her emotional load when her beau, Joseph, was later given the same vision from one of God’s angel’s that she was carrying the Deliverer and Savior. Interestingly enough, after the birth of Jesus, Mary is seen at irregular intervals. And then we see Mary at the crucifixion. Disciples may scatter, followers may be in hiding, but a mother stays when the rest of the world walks away. In fact, Mary represents a rich tapestry of real motherhood: a lot of built up excitement and anticipation followed by years of work and moments of intense pain. But through it all, mothers are there. They always are.