Tameka Foster’s Family Says Kile Glover Will Not Be Taken Off Life Support

Tameka Foster's Family Says Kile Glover Will Not Be Taken Off Life Support

Kile Glover to Remain on Life Support

Although there are reports that Tameka Raymond’s 11-year-old son will be taken off life support, his tenacious family is slamming those stories as false. Kile Glover, the stylist’s preteen son who’s been declared brain dead for weeks, is currently still hospitalized and on breathing machines. Earlier this week, however, news surfaced that the child would soon be taken off the apparatuses that are keeping him alive.

“Kile may be taken off of life support as early as next month because his insurance coverage is about to expire,” reported TMZ. “Sources close to the family claim that Tameka’s insurance company hasn’t set a specific cut off point for Kile’s coverage, but they’ve made it clear that they’re only going to shell out money for two more months at best,” the website added.

Tameka Foster's Family Says Kile Glover Will Not Be Taken Off Life Support
Kile Glover

The family is said to be holding on and hoping for a miracle. A friend of the family told GlobalGrind.com. “they [Kile’s family] want people to keep praying and to never lose hope in the power of God’s prayer.” They also reported that his mother Tameka never considered taking her son off life support for any reason.

After websites began reporting that the boy would be taken off life support, a writer for the lake where the tragic accident happened called Kile Glover’s hospital  for clarification.”I was told that no child will be turned away or asked to leave the hospital solely due to the family’s ability to pay for healthcare,” wrote the writer on Lake Lanier’s official website. “To suggest that Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta is forcing Usher’s former wife to consider pulling the plug on her son because of any possible lack of insurance coverage is bogus.”

Most recently, Tameka Raymond made a simple plea on her Twitter page; “#Pray4Kile” she said. –danielle canada 

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