Best Big and Small Cities to Grow Old In

Best Big and Small Cities to Grow Old In
Madison, Wisc.

South Florida and Southern California are the trendy and obvious picks to spend your golden years in. But if you and/or your parents are looking for the best places to enjoy the fruits of retirement in, you’d best better served by studying the American heartland — the Midwest.

This is according to the Milken Institute, a non-profit think tank based in Santa Monica, Calif. The Milken Institute based their findings on places that helps keep senior citizens — men and women over 65 — working, learning and healthy. The researchers used a set of 78 “indicators” including the cost of living, the number of available doctors per capita, transportation as well as the number of fast-food outlets.

“These are not just opinion, these are facts, says Paul Irving, the COO of the institute, told USA Today. “The traditional notions about retirement, about pulling up stakes and moving somewhere warm, doesn’t really reflect accurately the notions of retirement in America.”

For example, Irving points out, Sioux Falls, N.D., has the highest employment for people 65 or older and many hospitals with rehab services and hospice care.

Take a look at the best big and small cities to grow old in: 

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