Former Green Bay Packer Jay Barnet changes lives with ‘The Me Project’

Former Green Bay Packer Jay Barnet changes lives with ‘The Me Project’

Name: Jay Barnet

Company: The Me Project

Title: Founder/Owner


What inspired the ME project?

During my teen years, my parents divorced and my dad disconnected from our family leaving me emotionally scarred and confused. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized that all of my deficiencies were from my teen years. Every experience from my past had shaped my present, and I realized that those emotions kept me from being a functional man in society. I eventually sought out professional help and through my healing I was inspired to help other young white, black and Hispanic men who were suffering from similar issues.

Tell me about your book Finding Our Lost Kings & Queens?

In my book Finding Our Lost Kings & Queens, I share my own personal story of struggling with suicide and depression as a teen. I talk about some of the issues that teens face today and I also give strategies on how to bridge the gap between parents, children and their teachers. Most of all, I want to help this generation understand that they are kings and queens.

How did being a professional athlete prepare you for your new career?

Being a professional athlete for the Green Bay Packers and playing arena football helped to prepare me a lot because when you work for yourself, you are the employer and the employee. Having the discipline to be better than good really pushes me on days that I don’t feel like going the distance. Being an author takes major discipline and sports in general teaches you life skills that you can’t get anywhere else. I continue to workout my mind and body like I am a professional athlete by eating healthy, and working out so my body and spirit stay in condition for balancing stress and a huge workload.

Where do you see the ME project five years from now?

I see the ME project being an international program around the globe. It will be a program of excellence that will teach mentors, teachers and parents how to be effective in their interaction with the youth.

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