- “Can’t Let Go” in purple glitter liquid sand; “The Impossible” in red glitter liquid sand; “Stay The Night” in burgundy glitter liquid sand; “Get Your Number” in blue glitter liquid sand; “Sprung” in shimmery copper; “Butterfly Moment” in pale pink; “Anti Bleak” in royal purple; and “Pink Yet Lavender” in chunky pink glitter.
OPI offers a wide range of amazing color and texture. Listen to your inner Beast when it says…ADD COLOR TO MY LIFE! It may be just
the boost you need. Tip your nail technician like you would your favorite bartender. The right color, design and manicure is sometimes better
than a martini or cosmopolitan and the payoff lasts longer.
Assorted colors and styles here: OPI. Or pop into any CVS near you for the rush of picking up your favorite color at any time.