It’s tax season and scammers are looking to steal your money

taxes_banner1As millions of pieces of information make their way through Internet portals and gateways at break-neck speed, there are a lot of unscrupulous individuals and organizations waiting to seize on the opportunity to steal whatever bits of identity and credit information that they can.

Everyone’s heard about folks all the way up to the White House having their information tapped into, so it’s pretty obvious that these scammers have found a lot of ways to get a hold of your private info. The best advice that we have to give when it comes to protecting your privacy, your credit and your livelihood is to always make sure that you know who you’re dealing with at all times when it comes to doing anything on or off line – that has anything to do with giving up your identifying information (social security numbers, drivers license numbers, birthday, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, etc.).

All of your information should be carefully protected and monitored, because – even a slight slip up can put you in position to have a scammer building up an entire credit profile in your name & leaving you totally holding the bag for thousands. When considering how to keep your information safe, think of every little piece as being a brick in your wall; if you let just one brick fall out of place, you could find the whole wall crashing down on you. It’s the same with your credit & credibility – let one piece go unchecked, and you could be facing catastrophe in your finances – that will take years and lots of money to fix. These hackers and scammers are out to get yours, so you’d be wise to keep your guard up.

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