Church serves rainbow communion bread to celebrate gay rights: We have the recipe!

Rainbow Bread Recipe

rainbow bread
Basic bread dough
Several different colors of food dye

1. Divide the dough into separate pieces, based on how many colors of food dye you have.
2. Add about 10 drops of food coloring to each piece of dough. Knead through it with your hands until the color is evenly distributed.
3. Place the different pieces into bowls. Cover and let the dough rise.
4. Roll each dough ball into a thin rectangle using a lightly floured surface. Stack the colors on top of each other.
5. Starting on one side, roll the entire stack into one big loaf. Place it in a greased pan and let it rise one more time.
6. Bake the bread for about half an hour or until the top turns golden brown. A thermometer inserted into the center of the loaf should read 190 degrees Fahrenheit.
7. Let the loaf cool completely before slicing in.

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