Victoria Thomas talks The Pink Tub: Organic beauty products

the pink tub

Victoria Thomas is the creator of The Pink Tub, organic and freshly made beauty products to enrich, replenish, rejuvenate and restore your skin. Because they’re all natural, you can use these luxurious products — bar soaps, lotion and body wash – everyday.

Here, Thomas talks about why she launched this line.

What inspires you to show up at work every day?
What inspires me to show up for work is determination to know and understand that my part-time job is temporary. During the time that I am working building someone else’s dream it would allow my business, my brand to evolve into recognition and financial gain.

How did you determine your career path?
Good question; my career path had been set for me when I was a young girl age 14/15 by my father. He taught me to be a leader even when I did not fully understand what a leader was.

What other industries connect to your career choice?
The industries would be baking and cooking these two require the use of precise measurements and that is how making organic hand soaps, body wash and lotion are using precise measurements to produce an awesome product.

Describe the skill sets that are essential to future business leaders and innovators?
Will power and education — business courses — these two are innovative methods for me because you need to have will power to put into action a plan/your dreams to do the very thing that you are afraid of. You need some sort of education to operate effectively your business for foundation and structure to maintain a long-lasting organization.

Define innovative methods you apply to your business and life?
Negotiation — you negotiate ever day on everything you do; you negotiate your choices whether it’s if you are going to get out bed or what tie will I wear with this shirt. The art and definition of it all is negotiating your life’s structure.

How do you set goals and evaluate your success?
I write it down; at the end of the year I sit and write out my yearly goals and update my three and five year goals. It gives me a clear path to my vision, my future and structure of life and business.

Who do you consider peers in your field? Who is setting a great example of best practices?
There’s only one that I know of, not personally, but in my field and that is Lisa Price the founder of Carol’s Daughter. Lisa started out in her kitchen mixing essential oils and fragrances; as I have too, but the difference is I have social media whereas she started selling at Flea Markets and eventually opened a brick and mortar. The PINK Tub was solely started by having access to social media; I am able to bring audience awareness through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest under my brand name.

How do you stay abreast of changes in your field?
I stay abreast through social media, and I subscribe to health and beauty websites too.

Name your favorite role models for success in two industries.
Without a doubt that would be my Mom; she didn’t know that she was an entrepreneur while raising my siblings and I in the projects. My mom grew vegetables in the backyard of our duplex apartment in Dorie Miller Housing in Gary, Ind.; she grew potatoes, cabbage, greens (turnip and mustard), lettuce and ummm tomatoes. In the summer she’d pick tomatoes and fried them for us on Saturday and Sunday mornings…she was the best cook.

And, hands down Oprah Winfrey; she a woman after my own heart; her start is similar to mine. We were both from impoverished neighborhoods.

Name three books that changed how you saw life that you would recommend to others.
The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D., Excuses Begone! by Dr. Wayne Dyer and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

Explain why lifelong learning is important to you.
Lifelong learning is simple to; “When you know better, you do better;” that is my mantra. What I know is throughout my life I have learned and tried to never repeat the same mistakes twice.

Describe the voice of success that you hear in your head.
The voice I hear in my head is; “no matter what, you can do it’ no matter how long it takes you; no matter how many different roads you have to take to get there … you are going to make it!”

Community success based on what you do in the community means what to you?
It would be that young black girls in the projects and from improvised neighbors could see past their life and living situation to understand, recognize and believe that there’s a silver lining in their future

What role does technology play in your daily life?
Technology plays percent in my life; I use every electronic component I have every day. Whether it’s my cellular, tablet or laptop for my business through social media, cellular for calling or texting my customers and my laptop to type documents and advertise my brand.

What software and technology tools have made the biggest difference in your life?
My iPad; I can take it on the go; it fits into my purse nicely. My smartphone w/tethering portable capabilities (hotspot); it’s amazing to have if Wi-Fi at a location is not accessible. I am able to tether through my phone and gain access to the internet to retrieve my email and transaction to PayPal for my customers who want to make a purchase using their credit cards.

How do music and cultural events define your self-identity?
It doesn’t … God does

Define your personal culture.
I try every day to write what I love about myself and what I’ve done for the day. It helps me to know that I have not wasted my time, “time waits for no one; so don’t waist it!!!”

Describe your favorite vacation spot.
I have two: Sedona, Ariz., for its scenic views and nature beauty and Jeffersonville, Vt., for its scenic view, organically grown food and beautiful farms.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?
In one word,racism

If you could change on thing about yourself, what would you change?

Not, putting forth the effort to attend all my classes to graduate from high school.

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