#DonLemonOn HBCU’s: I don’t get it? Historically you people don’t go to college.
— Anτħony. (@MrKyleKouture) November 5, 2013
#DonLemonOn The Help: I’m offended by the inaccuracy the actual saying is “You is kind. You is smart. You is important. You is superior.”
— Phillip Henry (@MajorPhilebrity) November 5, 2013
#DonLemonOn Solomon Northrup: It was only 12 years! Sheesh!
— Fortitude1913 (@Fortitude1913) November 5, 2013
#DonLemonOn stop and frisk. I prefer male cops to stop and frisk me, preferably in a dark alley with the baton in my anal
— BEYNCEcallmeDVA (@BEYNCEcallmeDVA) November 5, 2013
#DonLemonOn The cotton gin: Best thing to ever happen to the Black in America we were never so valuable till after Eli Whitney
— Nostradeptus (@adept2u) November 5, 2013
#DonLemonOn slavery: “Listen…it gave us a backbone”
— GirlGetALife (@GirlGetALife) November 5, 2013
#DonLemonOn the killing of Trayvon Martin. You can’t have too many kids armed with skittles and a soft drink
— BEYNCEcallmeDVA (@BEYNCEcallmeDVA) November 5, 2013
#DonLemonOn Marc Lamont Hill: he handles my “light” work
— nealcarter (@nealcarter) November 5, 2013
RT: @MrKyleKouture #DonLemonOn Django: He was an assailant who should have been stopped!
— ithl123 (@ithl123) November 5, 2013
#donlemonon the Rutgers women’s bball team: Don Imus was right for disrespecting those “nappy headed hoes” they were disrespecting Madame CJ
— natasha miller (@Tmillerpoetry) November 5, 2013
Wait, what? “@MrKyleKouture: #DonLemonOn Black Women: The blacker the berry, the more difficult to remove the stain.”
— Kiara. (@_kiarastarr) November 5, 2013
#DonLemonOn Rosa Parks: she was already on the bus, where she sat was just another thing for black people to complain about
— Phillip Henry (@MajorPhilebrity) November 5, 2013