If you were wondering if Kanye West was getting any attention outside of his realm of fans, think again. Brimfield, Ohio police department chief David Oliver penned an open letter to Yeezy via Facebook. He’s garnered over 50,000 shares and 80,000 likes in one day for his unsolicited “advice.”
Recently on Saturday Night Online radio show, West mused about how his 27-song concerts with rotating platforms was akin to being a cop or a soldier.
Oliver became defensive and felt the need to stand up for his law enforcement comrades. He ended his monologue by referencing west coast rapper, Ice Cube, telling West to: “Check yourself, before you wreck yourself.”
He tells West to quit rapping and sign up for the military if he wants to know what it’s like to be in the line of fire. He also says, “When the Taliban starts shooting at you, perhaps you could stand up and let the words flow. It could be something like ‘I’m Kanye West, wearing a flak vest.’ I’m sure they would just drop weapons and surrender. You could quite possibly end all wars, just from the enemy being star-struck.”
Read it for yourself.